Transition for LIFE.

Transition for LIFE.

Easter represents the time for us to focus on something which is truly spectacular. It’s a time for Christians to reflect on the pathway which Jesus provided for us to

Transition for LIFE

As I’ve gotten older and experienced more family and friends “dying “I’ve reflected more deeply on what death really means. In many aspects of life we’re pretty clear that death means The End. Like a plant , for example, when it dies we don’t mourn or celebrate, we just throw it aside and maybe plant a new one. Oh, but there are these annuals, do they end? They come back don’t they?

Transition for LIFE

What about animals that hibernate? Hibernation is a state where metabolism is depressed to less than 5% of normal. Wow, that’s like kinda dead or near death. But they come back

Transition for LIFE

What about that tree in your backyard during the depths of winter, any signs of life? Nope, looks like it’s dead as a door nail. And so forth, there are many examples all around which seem, at least to me, to provide us a glimpse of rebirth. So I’ve gotten clear that for Christians, there is no death, there’s only the

Transition for Life

Wait a minute, doesn’t the body die like the plant and get tossed in the ground? Yes, but kinda like the animal hibernating, there’s something still going on. The Bible, which I believe, says in John 3:16, “ For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall shall not die, but have everlasting LIFE “. Belief provides the key to the

Transition for LIFE

Even as our bodies are slowly, and in some cases quickly, dying our spirit continues on and actually grows stronger as we mature in our faith. I’m not trying to be a preacher here, I’m just sharing what I’ve come to deeply believe: we don’t die, we just simply and profoundly experience the

Transition for LIFE

So maybe, just maybe as we celebrate this day, EASTER, we should celebrate not only the resurrection of our Savior Jesus, but also the wonderful promise of eternal LIFE. When you see some new growth on a tree, some annual flowers springing up, an animal coming out of hibernation or just an Easter Egg, take a deep breath, Smile and love LIFE now on this earth and later in the

Transition for LIFE

Thank God for EASTER and YOU.

- Kelly King