Don’t Be A Worry Wart

Don’t Be A Worry Wart

When I was a little boy I can still remember my Mom telling me not to be a worry wart. I wasn’t sure if this designation was just a local one or more broadly used so I looked it up. A worry wart is “a person who often worries, especially about things that are not important “. Well I guess that was me, just a little

Worry Wart

As I grew up and had opportunities to attend leadership courses and read a lot about how to be successful and happy I realized that excessive worrying is really not good and actually can create some of the very things one worries about. I’m not saying I now don’t worry at all ( after all I was a banker for 50 years) but I have learned to focus on having an Enthusiastic Positive Attitude, to be clear about my purpose in life, to have a growth mindset and to help others as much as I can. I’ve found that’s much better than being a little

Worry Wart

But sadly most people spend way too much time and energy worrying about life. These people tend to worry a lot about the past and they believe their happiness is dependent on their circumstances. People who worry about the past often obsess over something which happened 5,10 or 15 or so years ago. Like they will say I’m really mad with Joe about what he said or did 10 years ago and they’ll pound the table driving up their blood pressure and make themselves miserable. Now Joe doesn’t even remember what he said or did, he’s a happy camper, enjoying life. He’s much happier than our little

Worry Wart

Then there are those who live in the future. They say I’ll be happy when I get that promotion, when I get married or when I retire and on and on…They’re waiting for their circumstances to change to allow themselves to be happy. Here’s the key: not a one of us can change the past and not a one of us has tomorrow promised. This Is It! Today is your day to live and wasting it over yesterday’s spilled milk or waiting for change to be happy is just being a little

Worry Wart

For my fellow believers the Bible is clear about this and gives us direction to not worry or “be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food , and the body more important than clothing?(Mt 6:25). It doesn’t exactly say this but I believe one can reasonably deduce that the guidance suggests don’t be a little

Worry Wart

So, here’s a suggestion: get up in the morning, look yourself straight in the mirror, pull your lips into a big smile and say “Today is the first day of the rest of my life “. I Choose to be Happy! My purpose in life is very important and God given uniquely to me. I will focus this day on being the best I can be and I’ll try to do at least one positive thing, like smiling, to help someone have a special day. Then you’ll not only Not be a little

Worry Wart

You’ll be an enthusiastic, positive, confident, successful and Happy person making the world a better place, God bless YOU!

- Kelly King