Don’t Give Up

Perseverance is a powerful trait which helps high performers not give up even when they don’t feel like going on. The dictionary defines perseverance as a steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state etc especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles or discouragement.

Don’t Give Up

Every time I see a news report about the Russia/Ukraine war I find myself hoping/praying that the brave people of Ukraine won’t give up. They clearly are up against a Goliath which has dramatically more resources and an evil desire to destroy them. And yet against all odds, despite 2 years of 24/7 attacks, they persevere.

Don’t Give Up

One of my 5 great books is Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl who survived the a Holocaust, spent 3 years in Auswitch, lost his entire family, yet came through it with a renewed purpose in life. He said”when you know your why, you can endure any how”. I suspect he had many lonely desperate days when he had to draw from a deep inner strength to survive.

Don’t Give Up

If you haven’t you should read about Cliff Young. He was 61, a farmer and had never run in any kind of race. Yet he entered an ultra marathon, the most grueling marathon in the world, a 544 mile marathon. What ? That’s right, not 5, not 26 but 544.

Don’t Give Up

The rest of the racers were under 30 and well trained for the event. Cliff’s experience was running around his family farm chasing sheep after bad storms scattered them.

Don’t Give Up

While the other runners had sponsors and the best equipment, Cliff had nothing but a deep belief that he could do it. The other runners started fast, left Cliff in the dust and after 18 hours they stopped to sleep for 6, the typical way to win this event. Cliff didn’t read the rule book so he just kept running……for 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes, never stopping once for the dark.

Don’t Give up
He won the race, set a new world record by 2 whole days, finishing 9 hours ahead of the second place winner. He didn’t accept the $10,000 prize, instead gave it equally to the other runners, saying he didn’t run the race for money; said he ran for the Wonder of it, wow!

Don’t Give Up

Cliff Young had incredible perseverance. I suspect he had many thoughts on quitting, like Victor Frankl likely had. Like we all do, right? Life is tough, we face constant challenges, obstacles and unfair circumstances. Sometimes it seems like we just can’t make it one more step, yet when we dig deep and hear that quiet voice, our purpose, our faith we know we can persevere

Don’t Give Up

Your purpose in life is too important to give up. When you face the steep hills of life, take a deep breath and focus on why you are here. That clarity of purpose will give you the strength to make it, one step, one day at a time.

Please, Don’t Give Up!

May God continue to bless you and your family.

- Kelly King