Seeds of Hope


I continue to read reports and studies showing the very high percentage of people who are often anxious, depressed or suicidal. It seems a lot of people are losing hope for success and happiness. If true, and I’m convinced it is, what can be done?

Seeds of Hope

Some of you will remember I posted some time ago about my 4 steps of how to be happy even in difficult circumstances. I really believe they can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our God-given purpose in life. The steps are: Choose to be happy, be clear about your purpose in life, have a growth mindset, and help others. Helping others is about planting

Seeds of Hope

When asked to help others people often say I don’t have the time or money to help others. But here’s the good news, the most important help most people need doesn’t take much time and doesn’t cost anything. What people desperately need is to know their life matters, that someone recognizes them as being important and is willing to show it. It usually only takes a nice smile, a friendly pat on the back, or a genuine hey how are you, and wait for the answer. It’s the little things in life which matter so much which is why I call them

Seeds of Hope

To demonstrate how important little things are, especially a smile, consider this. Several years ago a young man in San Francisco left his apartment, walked several blocks and climbed to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge and jumped to his immediate death. They found a note in his apartment saying I’m walking to the bridge, if one person smiles at me I won’t jump. One person, one smile, one life. One

Seed of Hope

Later another person walked to the bridge, jumped and survived . Now when you jump from the top of the Golden Gate Bridge it’s like jumping off a 28 story building. When you hit the force crushes your bones and organs and people almost always die. But when Kevin Hines hit the water a sea lion came up and kept him afloat until the coast guard rescued him. Wow, I think Kevin had a special purpose. Like the other young man he said he went to the bridge just hoping someone would reach out to him, just in any way let him know his life mattered. You see how powerful it is when you plant

Seeds of Hope

So, pls consider this challenge: when you get up in the morning imagine you’re given a handful of seeds, these are Seeds of Hope. During the day try to do little things, especially smile, for as many people as you can. When you do, in your mind, take one seed and throw it on the ground. You just planted a

Seed of Hope

When you do this as best as you can, I believe you’ll be able to look back over your life and see many examples of where your acts of kindness, your smile, made a huge positive impact on many, many lives and you will know that Your Life Mattered because you planted a lot of

Seeds of Hope

God bless you, KEEP SMILING

- Kelly King