“Toy To The World“

When I and my siblings were very young we were, like most kids, really excited about Christmas because of the hope of receiving toys. We eagerly looked forward to Santa’s visit.

What we didn’t fully understand was that we were Very poor. We typically had no food in the pantry and were truly living hand to mouth. Even under these conditions we always had a couple of toys under the tree on Christmas morning. It was a very joyful time in an otherwise very sad environment.

As I grew older I realized our mom would go to her brother or sister and borrow money to help Santa bring us some toys. As I’ve reflected on this over the years I really believe our mom was doing more than just make sure we had some toys on Christmas morning. I believe she was trying to give us some Hope. She understood that small positives in life can create a sense of hope for things to be better. We didn’t understand the fear and sadness which so often surrounded us due to the effects of alcoholism. But we did expect that at least on Christmas morning there would be joy brought by the toys Santa always left.

“Joy to the world,” the English Carol, has always been one of my favorites. Several years ago our church gave members the opportunity to write a message to the church in our program. I titled mine “Toy To The World” and reflected on how the Carol reminds Christians of how Jesus brought Joy to the world.

As kids we didn’t connect the deeper spiritual significance of Christmas but we did understand that Christmas meant just a little peace and happiness in an otherwise bleak world. Today I’m trying to learn the lesson I think our mom was trying to teach us:

We should be thankful for the positives in our lives, even when there are many negatives and challenges all around us. Mom showed us hope and happiness through a “Toy To The World.”

Our world today is really struggling with unhappiness and many believe there is little to be hopeful about. We wake up every day to mass shootings, Russia trying to destroy Ukraine, political fighting and increases in drug abuse, anxiety, depression and even suicide.

It can be very depressing, But…

We still live in what I believe is the best country in the world. We are a free land founded on the “inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” While we are not delivering this to everyone, the Declaration Still Stands.

I believe it’s time for us to recommit as a nation to this PURPOSE. While it was and still is a bold and challenging goal, working together, We Can Do It.

But let’s not wait for Congress or others to do it, let’s make it a reality in our part of the world. Like our mom made life a little bit better on Christmas morning, you and I can make life a little better today for those we touch, maybe with a big smile or a simple I Love You.

Remember, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” You can be a “Toy to the World.” Let’s start today, God bless.

- Kelly King