The Greatest Promise in The World

Soon I plan to share with you “The Strangest Secret in the World.” But on this special day, I want to share with you the “Greatest Promise in The World.”

John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life.” Wow, what a promise: eternal life. And all that is required is to believe in Jesus Christ, The Son of God.

The world is struggling these days with so many challenges that it’s kinda overwhelming. So many people are responding with anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts. I believe at the center of these responses is a sense of unhappiness and a lack of hope.

And, frankly, all of the world’s problems can be overwhelming. They can lead to feeling out of control, frightened and lonely. All of these feelings to me seem like a lack of peace.

Peace, on the other hand, is a feeling of security, belonging and purpose. It’s a sense of “my life matters.” You might say peace is the opposite of unhappiness.

A long time ago when I deepened my relationship with God by accepting Jesus as my Savior I found this peace. It’s a deep feeling that I am a child of The Creator of the Universe; it is Peace.

And a really big part of that peaceful feeling is knowing that I will not die. Oh sure my body will die but I will not. You know why?

Because I have The Promise. It’s far more powerful than any amount of money, status, position or worldly recognition. And while I am here on this earth, I have the comfort of being positive about life even facing the huge challenges and obstacles.

I know that I have The Greatest Promise in The World. And on this day, Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the One who gave it to me. And you can have it too. Praise be to God. Merry Christmas.

- Kelly King