The Strangest Secret in The World

I shared with you on Christmas Day “The Greatest Promise in The World.” Now I want you to know about “The Strangest Secret in The World.”

In 1956, Earl Nightingale (one of the greatest positive thinkers of all time) told the listeners of his daily radio broadcast the secret;

“We Become What We Think About”

And it’s true because of how our brains work. Our brains are kinda like computers with enormous memory embedded in the 100 billion neurons. We have a conscious and subconscious with the subconscious storing basically all we’ve been exposed to since our birth.

These thoughts, particularly those in our subconscious over time become our beliefs which direct our actions which create the results we achieve. Some of our daily actions come from what we consciously think about but most are us essentially acting out what we believe (subconscious).

So, what goes into our brain stays there and produces how we consciously think and act. It’s kinda like a farmer and the ground he tends. What she plants (seeds) determines what she reaps, according to Nightingale and my own early life on a farm. If the farmer plants corn, she gets corn. If he plants poison ivy, watch out, he gets poison ivy.

Likewise, if we fill our brains with positive input (what we read, listen to etc.) we get positive thoughts. If we’re exposed to a lot of negative input, we get negative thoughts.

Here’s the key: if you want great results, you must act accordingly which requires you to think (believe) positive about your ability to be successful, happy and at peace. So, I recommend you very deliberately choose what goes into your brain. It’s Your choice. Read positive books, listen to positive music, podcasts etc. and be around positive people.

Try this: write on a card 3 positive things which you think will make you more successful and happy. As you drift off to sleep repeat those 3 things over and over until you fall asleep. Things like I’m smart, I’m attractive, I’m a good person, I will be successful and happy.

Within 2-3 weeks you’ll notice when you awake the first thing you will think of will be those 3 positives attributes which make you a wonderful, special person. Then continue to reflect on those and other positive thoughts all day. You’ll find over time most of your thoughts will be positive based on your choices, not what others may say about you.

You will become what you think about!

And if you believe the Bible, or just want to check it out, read Philippians 4:8; it’s a verse I start every day with.

Would you like to be successful, happy and at peace? It’s up to you! You are a special person whom I believe has a unique very important God-given purpose in life. You can change the world. To do so, remember, who you are and who you become is based on what you believe, what you think about. Happy New Year and happy thinking. God bless.

- Kelly King