This is It!

One of my 5 traits of outstanding achievers is to Enjoy The Journey. These top performers seem to really get a sense of joy, happiness, fulfillment and enrichment from their purpose in life (work, parenting, philanthropy etc.). So if enjoying the journey is a key trait of top achievers and you would expect most people want to enjoy the journey, then why are so many people unhappy?

Many people live in the past and/or wait for future things to make them happy.

What? That’s right, most people spend a huge amount of time worrying about something that happened in their past or waiting for something to happen in their future which they believe will make them happy.

People who live in the past are the ones who hang on to past events, experiences etc. which made them unhappy and still does. You’ve probably heard someone say “I’m still mad with Mary with high negative energy, anger etc. because she did or said something many years ago.” Mary hasn’t thought about it for years, she’s enjoying her life. This person is still mad, upset, ruining his life and there’s no way he can erase the past . Rather than dwelling on past negatives, Let It Go.

Then there are people who live in the future. These are the ones who say I’ll be happy when I get promoted, retire, get married, get that new car etc. Here’s the problem:

None of us can change the past and not a one of us has tomorrow guaranteed.

So if you can’t change the past and tomorrow’s not promised, the key is to live TODAY.


The genius in life is to realize life exists right here, right now, even with all it’s challenges and problems. Live your life in this moment, focusing on the positive opportunities and good things about your life.

One of my 5 great books is “Chasing Daylight” by Eugene O’Kelly. Gene O’Kelly was the CEO of the major accounting firm, KPMG at 43 when he started having headaches and was diagnosed with incurable brain cancer and was told he had 90 days to live, and that’s what happened. To his amazing credit, he spent a huge amount of his remaining time writing this book. He was able to write all but the last chapter which his wife wrote because he was too weak. He wrote about “consciousness of the moment” and shared just how much of the important things in life he was able to do by focusing on every day, every hour, every moment.


Gene O’Kelly lived that reality. My advice to myself and you is to do the same. Don’t waste your precious time worrying over things you can’t change or that don’t really matter. Don’t wait for tomorrow to find happiness.

And, live Your Purpose. I fully believe each of us has a unique God given purpose which no one else can fulfill. It’s up to you!

So, THIS IS IT! Live your life today On Purpose, and if I may recommend; plant some

Seeds of Hope

A smile can save a life. God bless you THIS DAY.

- Kelly King