No fooling: You can be HAPPY even in the middle of challenging conditions

Over the last year I have heard a lot of people say “I can’t wait for this pandemic to be over so I can be happy again.”

That’s a real problem because none of us can change yesterday and none of us are promised tomorrow. So the genius of life is to learn to be happy today, even with it’s problems.

To help I offer 4 simple steps I’ve found will help you be happier, Today.

First, simply Choose to be happy! Sounds weird, right? But the reality is most people don’t believe they have the right and ability to choose how they think/feel. Rather most people think they are a victim of their circumstances, but they’re Not. You can’t always control what you face everyday but you can choose how you react.

So try this: get up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and say “I am the 100% owner and the Chairman and CEO of this company called ME. As the boss, I Choose to be happy (as a person of faith, I recognize this is in the context of trying to do God’s will for my life).”

Second, be clear about your purpose in life. We all are driven by purpose, it’s what gets us up and keeps us going all day. I believe everyone of us has a special unique God given purpose in life and no one else has Your purpose. When you’re clear about why you’re here on this earth, go for it with all your energy. Accomplishing your purpose will bring you great happiness.

Third, Choose to have a Growth mindset. As described by Dr. Carol Dweck, a growth mindset is when someone believes they can learn and grow through life. That they have the God given ability to change, adapt, improve as life changes. Fixed mindset people believe they can’t change and grow.

They believe they are stuck where they are so when facing obstacles they easily give up, blame the world and become a victim. A fixed mindset person gives up control of their lives to all the crazy stuff that comes along. Remember, to accomplish your Purpose, you need to adopt a growth mindset so you don’t let the obstacles win. You can do it! Your Purpose demands you do it.

Fourth, Help others. This is powerful. People are hurting today (maybe like yourself) and you can be their answer. Most people don’t believe they have the ability or money to help others but the truth is the help people need the most doesn’t take money or much time. It’s just about letting people know their life matters. It’s a big smile, a pat on the back, a sincere how are you and wait for the answer. someone cares.

So, finally I ask you to do the little things for people whenever you can. It’s kinda simple; Love Your Neighbors. It’s what I call “Planting Seeds of Hope.” In so doing, you can change the world, one person, one smile at a time.

Remember, you can be Happy even in difficult times. Let’s start now. From me to you: you are a special person, with a really important purpose. The world is better because of YOU.

God bless you.

- Kelly King