Dreams Can Come True: Through the Power of Positive Thinking

As I write this I am on a 9 day Disney Cruise In Alaska with my family, including 3 grandkids. Several days of this experience has reminded me that DREAMS CAN COME TRUE. The magic of Mickey and Minnie and all the fun filled activities and the amazing Alaska experience demonstrates that life can and should be fun. Dreams are all about wishes, hopes and aspirations to enjoy this life, as God planned it. In fact, this trip for me is a Dream Come True.

As I reflect on dreaming I realize how important attitudes are in making dreams come true. A really big driver is

The Power of Positive Thinking

One of my 5 great books is The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr Norman Vincent Peale. Written in 1952, this book has been translated into 15 languages with more than 7 million copies sold. So why is it so popular, and should you read it?

Early in my career I worked in an office where the leader was very negative. Fortunately one day I heard a Positive Thinking rally was coming. I felt led to attend and thank God I did. In

The event was attended by several thousand people and the speakers were the top names in Positive Thinking. At the end of the rally one of the speakers said something which changed my life.

He said When all of you leave here most of you will feel more positive, kinda pumped up. But only about 5% of you will take this message to heart and decide to change your life.

Wow I thought that’s incredible that so many would hear this inspiring message and choose to ignore it. I immediately decided I wanted to be a part of the 5%.

As I started the journey of becoming a Positive Person I quickly realized it was very hard because so much of my life at that time was very negative. Through a lot of soul searching and prayer I realized the key to being a positive person is

To Be Clear About Your PURPOSE IN LIFE

I decided my purpose in life would be to make a positive meaningful impact on the lives of as many people as I could. After many years I recently slightly changed it to

Make A Positive Godly impact on the lives of as many people as I Can (I always meant meaningful to be Godly but this is clearer).

Being clear about your purpose creates energy, drive and direction. But the negatives of life have to be countered by the positives of accomplishing your purpose. Here’s the key:

The way we think drives the way we feel which drives the way we act which creates the results in our lives.

So, think positively, get positive results.

Here’s a simple but powerful way to become a positive person. On a pad beside your bed write down 3 positives about your life and as you drift off to sleep Each night keep saying those positives over and over to yourself. In a few weeks you’ll notice when you awake you’ll be thinking about those positive views of yourself and you’re off to a positive day.

Give it a try (it’s called spaced repetition). And don’t forget to plant some Seeds of Hope, God Bless.

- Kelly King