To When the Power Goes Out

A few days ago we had a bad storm and a big tree fell near our house and

The Power Went Off

In this case it was a big tree, lots of lines, and the power in our area was off for 18 hours. We are very blessed to have a generator so we had power throughout the ordeal but most of our neighbors did not. All of a sudden: no lights, no air conditioning, no refrigerator. After a few hours food is spoiling: it’s a mess.

I thought about how most of us take life for granted like we do electricity. We just walk in the room, flip the switch, boom lights. The refrigerator is always cold; life is good. But if you have been through an extended power outage you likely remember how tough it is to live without power.

For most of my childhood we lived in old plank houses in rural areas with no running water, no central heat, no inside bathroom. When it is 15 degrees in January and you have to go outside to an outhouse, you know what poor is. Now I’ve been so blessed over my life and we now live in a nice house with all the nice things/lights, running water, inside bathrooms, little vents with nice warm or cool air coming out as desired. I don’t have to get up early to start a fire in a pot belly heater and stand there freezing until it finally got warm. Thank God for central heat and inside bathrooms.

But sometimes I begin to forget my childhood problems and I start taking so many conveniences for granted. That is until

The Power Goes Off

As we take things for granted we tend to look for other things to make us “happy.” I believe it’s really important in living a successful and happy life to value and appreciate the blessings we have Before we lose them, temporarily or permanently. Some of us take our health for granted and then the phone rings with the medical bloodwork results from our recent exam and it’s Not good news and

The Power Goes Off

Many of us take our spouses or significant others for granted until we get home one day and find a note saying “I’m leaving you” and

The Power Goes Off

We often take our kids for granted during all those wonderful years while they’re growing up and one day we wake up and there room is empty and

The Power Goes Off

On and on, we find ourselves taking life and its many blessings for granted. Look, I’m preaching to myself. And I’m encouraging you to Wake Up , look around and think about the great, wonderful, positive aspects of your life. Don’t take them for granted. Thank God every day for all your blessings; count them one by one. Give your loved ones a special hug, an extra kiss, a nice note, cut the grass without being asked to, make the coffee…

And for everyone you are fortunate to encounter, give them that special “Power,” like a generator, a big warm smile. In fact, try being a life-giving GENERATOR, plant SEEDS OF HOPE every day. May God bless you and continue all your blessings all the days of your life.

- Kelly King