How Will You Be Remembered?

Last week I had a day which really helped me remember why I’m here. That morning I attended the funeral of many years. As I listened to the Pastor and others describe Linda’s life I was struck by how many lives she had positively impacted, many of whom I doubt she even knew about.

Her life mattered.

That afternoon I was on a zoom call with several other people who will participate in November in a symposium to honor the life and contributions of my friend Bob who passed away a few months ago. We talked about some of the things we want to share about Bob at the meeting. And, like with Linda, I was struck by how many lives he had touched in profound ways just trying to make the world better.

His life mattered.

Over the last few days after those two experiences I keep coming back to the key question we should all consider: How will we be remembered? When the day comes and we transition to the next life we will leave behind a footprint or as I like to think about it, a painting of our life. When those left behind reflect on our lives what will they think about?

Think about some of the memories being made these days by another mass murderer in Maine; thousands being killed in multiple wars; suicides by those tortured by anxiety & depression; and even people in our country dying from malnutrition and poor health conditions. Sad memories / sad paintings.

But then think about the thousands who are doing all they can to support those affected by war. What about the man I saw on tv who lost a loved one in the Maine murders say I’m not mad / it doesn’t help to be angry. Wow, what compassion. What about the professionals who give their lives to help those in need including doctors, nurses, psychologists, first responders and may God bless all of our teachers and educators. Happy and positively impactful paintings.

Their lives matter.

And you know what, “YOUR LIFE MATTERS” and I believe you and I are painting our life’s pictures each and every day. Every stroke of the brush won’t be perfect, we make mistakes. But when you back away and look at your painting I believe those left behind will see the essence of your life: your purpose.

All those you touched during your journey will see whether you focused on yourself or others. Did you live your life in a way such that you would be proud to have your story/painting on the front page of the local newspaper?

Remember, it’s the little things in life which seem to matter most, like smiling at everyone you see. My purpose in life is to have a positive Godly impact on the lives of as many people as I can. And there is a great book (number 1 of my 5 great books) which makes it kinda simple




- Kelly King