Why Are You Here?

This question is about why you live where you do, with whom, doing what you do but it’s really a deeper question about what you believe about life. Do you think life’s just random? Is your life like a tumbleweed blowing around in the desert with no purpose? I don’t think so.

I believe every one of us has a very unique, God-given purpose which is really important. Each one of us has the opportunity to make the world better each and every day.

I first came face to face with this question of why are you here several years ago on my first mission trip to the Dominican Republic with a group from my church. On these trips we would serve the communities in great need (building small homes etc.).

We stayed in Santo Domingo, a city of about 2 million people at night. After dinner one night we went to an ice cream shop. As we were eating ice cream I noticed a Dominican lady looking at our table. Finally she came to our table, looked at me and said “aren’t you Kelly King?” After I about dropped my teeth I said “yes but how in the world do you know me?”

She said several years ago I was a banker and I attended a conference in New Orleans and you were the keynote speaker and you did a great job. About this time her husband came over and said I’m Jose where are you all from? We said Winston Salem, NC. He said

“No Kidding, do you know Joe Budd” (Joe Budd is a well known and respected leader in WS) and we said “yes but how do you know Joe?” He said “well I went to High Point University and Joe was my roommate.” Wow! Coincidence?

Jose asked what we were doing in the DR and we explained that Joe and his recently deceased wife Mary had made several of these trips and worked on a small children’s clinic. One of our purposes while there was to dedicate the clinic in Mary Budd’s memory.

Then his wife who had recognized me said my Father is the leading pediatrician in Santo Domingo and I know he would like to want to help with your clinic. Twenty four hours later the leading pediatrician in Santo Somingo is at the Mary Budd clinic helping the kids with the medical treatment they desperately needed. Coincidence?

Why Was I There?

I fully believe my purpose there was to allow the connections so the little kids could get medical help. Think about it, several years before I spoke to several hundred people several thousand miles away. Now in a city of 2 million people where I had never been remotely close to this lady recognized me, her husband was the college roommate of Joe Budd, her Father was the leading pediatrician in the area and the kids get needed medical attention. What? Random? Tumbleweed?

Why Are You Here?

Life is Not random. It’s a beautiful plan and you play a Very Important role. Your life matters! You should feel very special.

When you’re clear about your purpose (even though sometimes you may not know exactly what your role is at the time) it gives you a sense of drive, energy, direction and enrichment

It brings you Happiness!

- Kelly King