Let’s Jump Start 2024

When I was growing up our cars often had battery problems and we would have to get a “Jump Start“ from another car with a good battery.

Sometimes in life we just need a helping hand.

And all of us have made mistakes in life, some worse than others. There is a Christian organization called JumpStart which provides a re-entry program for inmates within a year of being released. The results are amazing as the national rate of prisoners returning to prison is 61% and the JumpStart recidivism is only 4%.

I’ve spoken at one of the prisons with this program and I was impressed by how “ordinary“ the inmates were. During the 40 weeks of coaching the inmates develop a sense of confidence and hope that they can return to society and be a good person.

They just needed a helping hand.

There is a story in The Bible where the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery and put her in front of Jesus. They said their law requires she be stoned, what do you say they asked Jesus. He waited a few minutes and said, “let the one of you who has never sinned throw the first stone. All of those around left without throwing a stone, starting with the oldest. Then Jesus said I also will not throw a stone, go and sin no more.”

She just needed a helping hand.

It seems too many people today are angry and quick to judge others over views on politics, religion and just about anything. We have global unrest, tension and conflicts of all kinds, including multiple wars. We seem all to quick to pick up the sword and fight.

Maybe we should instead offer a helping hand.

I’m not saying there are not some really bad people out there who do some really bad things. I just think we could make the world better by trying to be a little more forgiving and understanding of others/ and maybe spend a little more time trying to be a better person ourselves.

You see, everyone sometimes needs a helping hand. Life can be tough and sometimes we get knocked down, we make mistakes and we just can’t seem to get back up by ourselves. Sometimes we need to know someone cares about us, loves us and that our lives matter.

Sometimes we just need a helping hand.

Let’s come together and make 2024 the year of a Jump Start! If your life is pretty good then take this January 1st and be thankful that while all is not perfect, we have much to be thankful for in these great United States of America. Be enthusiastic, hopeful, positive and forgiving. Remember, your life matters. You have a very important, and unique God-given purpose.

Everyone sometimes needs a helping hand so maybe today you can extend that hand in the form of a Really Big Smile to everyone you meet.

And just maybe when you need a helping hand that smile will shine on you. May God bless you and make this day and this year successful for you and bring you happiness.

- Kelly King