Three Traits of Outstanding Leaders

Some time ago I wrote about the Five Characteristics of Outstanding Achievers. Today I want to share with you three traits of outstanding leaders.

You may be thinking wait a minute aren’t they the same? No, all outstanding leaders are outstanding achievers but not all outstanding achievers are outstanding leaders. The difference: outstanding leaders have 3 unique traits in addition to the 5 characteristics of outstanding achievers.

FIRST, they are very clear about the REALITY they face. They honestly observe and sense the circumstances that exists in their environment. They don’t sugar coat it or look through rose colored glasses. This is so critical because if you don’t face the truth you tend to create an alternative reality. You make it up! Well I’m overweight and don’t get any exercise but so what, lots of people are like me; I’ll be fine.

There is a glaring horrible reality today in our country that few are accepting as truth. Two-thirds of the kids in the public schools in the 3rd grade can’t read! Oh they can read some words but they are clearly not able to read at grade level. So they’re already way behind and most likely will fall further behind without intervention.

We need more honest discussion about this problem and more bold solutions to make it better.

Where Are The Leaders?

Second, they have a clear VISION of how to make it better. Outstanding leaders have a way of “seeing” solutions. They can express a solution to the problem in a way so others get excited, motivated and committed to taking action to get improvements. Our Founding Fathers had a vision of a nation based on a powerful Declaration of Independence asserting that All people have the “inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” If you can’t read, can you really achieve success and happiness?

Where Are The Leaders?

Third, outstanding leaders have the COURAGE to execute on the vision. They are unwilling to sit back and let the reality continue. They commit themselves to helping make the vision become the new reality.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was an outstanding leader. He had a Dream (vision) of a better way of life for all people. He was completely committed to the Declaration of Independence for all people and he had the courage to stand up and lead.

Where Are The Leaders?

We are still not delivering on “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for too many Americans. But we can!! And I believe we must.

Commit yourself today to being an Outstanding Achiever who is also willing to step up and be an Outstanding Leader.

Where Are The Leaders?

Look in the mirror. May God bless you and these Great United States of America!

- Kelly King