There is a pony in here somewhere

I heard a story (hopefully not true) about two young boys who were put in separate rooms which were filled to waist level with manure.

After being in the rooms for an hour the boys responded very differently. One boy was crying, mad and just really upset. The other boy was happy, excited and just plain having fun.

When asked how he could possibly be happy in all that manure he simply said he knew there was a pony in there somewhere.

Perspective has an amazing impact on how we feel about life. For example, it’s really easy to be negative right now with Covid, social and political issues, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, etc.

On the other hand, there are many positives. I believe we still live in the best country in the world. It’s a beautiful “piece of land,” great climate, huge natural resources and fundamentally still free.

Most days I find have Negatives and Positives so the question is do we see the problems or the pony? I recommend being an Optimist vs a Pessimist.

When something bad happens a pessimist says this bad thing is going to ruin my whole life, will last forever and is all my fault. The Optimist facing the same challenge will say this bad thing is not going to ruin my whole life, probably won’t last that long and it’s not my fault anyway. Perspective.

So, today let’s give it a shot, let’s face our challenges straight on but have an enthusiastic positive attitude (EPA) and as an optimist, let’s find that pony, blessings.

- Kelly King