Your Life Matters; You Can Change The World!

A scientific study was done decades ago which proves that a single butterfly can flap its wings on one side of the earth and create a hurricane on the other side of the world.

Several years ago a young man in San Francisco walked a long way to the Golden Gate Bridge, climbed to the top and jumped to his immediate death.

That afternoon they found a note in his apartment which said “I’m going to walk to the bridge, if one person smiles at me I won’t jump.” He must have passed hundreds of people but apparently no one smiled.

We never really know what others are going through, but we do know that most people you see everyday have challenges. A recent study found that 60% of respondents said they were Very Unhappy.

What if one person had smiled at that young man? One person, one smile, one life. And who knows what he may have accomplished in life, maybe a cure for cancer?

You just may be the person who is given the unique opportunity to literally save someone’s life. In so doing, you may change the world in a very positive way.

Now you know for sure if a little butterfly can flap it’s wings and create a hurricane, Your Life Matters.

So let’s go out today and flap our wings, sew those Seeds of Hope, and make the world better, one person at a time.


- Kelly King